Current/OS Foundation Ambassador. The foundation was re-established by Schneider Electric and Eaton to setup the legal framework correctly. It continues its scope to create a full ecosystem based on Current/OS 350V/700V/1400V DC.
Schneider Electric acquires DC Systems B.V. and its sister companies to realise the DC system globally based on Current/OS.
Current/OS Foundation (former): Co-founded and chairman, with the scope to create an ecosystem where manufacturers, system integrators, installers, universities work together on a common DC system to enable a global safe DC distribution system.
DC Systems B.V., Aalsmeer: Co-founded as the supplier of smart DC systems on 350V DC, with Direct Current B.V. for R&D and Hellas Rectifiers B.V. for production.
DC Power Parking Airport Schiphol Lelystad including Public Lighting system for 4000 parking places connected to the same DC grid. Concept for power long stay parking for 600 charging points starting with 104 chargers, connected to a DC grid, fed by Solar system and powered by the DC grid. Realized 300 Public Lighting poles for parking space.
Concept A16 Tunnel Rotterdam based on a DC grid: Project is awarded for realization. 1.3km tunnel for the highway in Rotterdam, 500kW installation powered by a DC infrastructure, including battery system for backup and large solar sound wall. For sustainable requirements.
Circl building of ABN AMRO Bank: Delivered smart DC system in circular office building.
IEC workgroup AhG LVDC: New IEC workgroup established with Harry Stokman as chairman.
IEC SyC LVDC Amsterdam conference: Co-organized IEC conference and IEC meeting in September.
IEC TS61200 Commission for LVDC grids: Writing Technical standards for LVDC installations
DC Foundation (global): Founder and chairman; to promote DC in the world.
Circl building of ABN AMRO Bank: Start implementation of smart DC system in office building.
PULSE building of Technical University of Delft: Start implementation of smart DC system in utility building.
USB-C: Cooperation with ABB to develop a standard USB-C wall socket.
IEC SEG 6 Micro Grids: Participation in research standardization of DC-standards worldwide.
DOE-DC project: Scaling up DC grid in horticulture i.c.w. PV farm and CHP.
DC Flexhouse project: Converting existing houses to a DC grid.
Book "The Future of DC in the Netherlands": Published in cooperation with Ministry of Economic Affairs and DC Foundation.
Public lighting on DC smart grids: Implementation of DC-lighting on DC smart grids in 4 municipalities.
De Stroomversnelling: Smart DC system for DC smart grid in houses.
DC Congress at Delft University: Showcasing DC projects by partners in cooperation with Direct Current BV.
Current/OS: Design and development of a current operated system for smart DC system.
Current Router: Design and development of DC system security and management modules.
Government Building Services: Participation in think tank of Government Building Services in innovations.
NEN 1010 (NEC 64) DC Workgroup: Workgroup founded to give DC standards the right place.
Public lighting on DC: In collaboration with ELEQ, CityTec, Joulz, and Lightwell.
Green Deal from the Government: For facilitation of the DC Project Haarlemmermeer DC=DeCent.
Concept of Security in DC: Development of the Concept for How to Make DC Safe, a dogma killer.
DC and Horticulture Lighting: First demonstration of growth light on DC 51 lamps of 600W in new DC infrastructure, placed at Horticulture Vreeken in Haarlemmermeer.
Meermakers, Haarlemmermeer: Co-founding leasing company for horticulture for implementing DC.
Technical University of Delft: Co-founding the DC Department at the TU Delft.
SIA-RAAK DC in education: Co-creating DC course in higher technical education.
Green Campus, Technical University of Delft: Development of concept of DC smart grid on campus.
IPIN (program of the Government): Development of testing area for DC smart grid.
DC HPS driver: Start of development of a DC driver for growth light.
DC Foundation The Netherlands: Founded to guard DC standards, to monitor the DC image, and the interest on DC education.
Haarlemmermeer and Schiphol: Master plan DC vision: Schiphol aircraft stands on DC and horticulture on DC connected with datacenters.
HTAS program: Start development of drive train for 100% electric cars.
Research DC voltage: Research to establish the choice of voltage in low voltage DC grids.
Siemens and Joulz: Siemens en Joulz become partners in our DC mission.
Charger for 100% EV (Golf): Development of charger for the electric car with Essent and Enexis.
DC in the Horticulture: Start project with co-sponsorship by Rabobank, Joulz, and Product Horticulture.
Direct Current B.V., Aalsmeer: Owner and founder of company with the mission to make DC possible.
Netherlands Gets New Energy: Cooperation with political parties to implement DC in vision document.
Hellas Rectifiers B.V., Eindhoven: Owner and founder of new company rectifiers manufacturer.
Black page: Wrong choice of business partner led to bankruptcy of company Hellas B.V.
Master plan DC: Establishing Master Plan DC Vision: DC is the Future!
Hellas B.V., Aalsmeer: Owner / acquisition of a manufacturer of rectifiers.
HS Engineering, Amsterdam: Owner and founder company in designing rectifiers.
Goal at the age of 14: I want to be a rectifier manufacturer.
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